February (Tabodwe): Harvest Festival of Htamane

We will hold Harvest Festival of Htamane on February(Tabodwe) 11th.

What is Tabodwe?
Tabodwe is the eleventh month of the Myanmar calendar which lands roughly in February on the Georgian calendar. In Myanmar, this is around the time when the cool season ends and the first crops start to appear. A traditional and tasty delicacy, Htamane is savored during this holiday.

What is Htamane?
Htamane is a savory concoction of glutinous rice, water, toasted sesame seeds, peanuts, fried ginger, ground nut oil and fried coconut shavings. The Htamane feast is communally celebrated at places such as monasteries and Pagodas or in private circles between family and friends. Monasteries and Pagodas, such as the Shwedagon, often hold competitions on the full moon day of Tabodwe to see which team makes the best tasting Htamane.

The Htamane festival calls for the participation of everyone. It requires a lot of teamwork from the community in many tasks which require both strength and elegance. Traditionally, the preparation and gathering of the materials are divided to enhance efficiency. Girls and women are in charge of winnowing the rice grains and shelling the peanuts. Boys and men are in charge of climbing up the coconut trees and opening the coconuts. While other people are gathering the materials, the preparation of cooking the Htamane begins.

  1. The white and purple nga cheik, glutinous rice is washed and then soaked for about two hours.
  2. A giant wok is placed on a low stove and heated. The soaked glutinous rice is then kneaded, crushed and boiled with water and ground nut oil until it becomes a thick blackish grey paste.
  3. The wok is then placed on a small wooden block which keeps it in place and the main mixing process of the Htamane This process is typically done by three people, usually stout men, two, holding long wooden spatulas which resemble rowing paddles mix the glutinous dough. While the third, guides the two spatulas, ensuring the mixing is even and controlled.
  4. Towards the end of the mixing process, that same person guiding the spatulas, add the toasted sesame seeds, peanuts, fried ginger, more ground nut oil, and fried coconut shavings.
  5. Once these ingredients become evenly mixed with the dough pace, it is ready to eat. Additional fried coconut shavings, peanuts and sesame seeds are prepared and added as garnish and to personal taste preferences.

The harmony of strength, elegance and teamwork can be seen through mixing Htamane, gathering and opening coconuts, winnowing the grains and adding the other ingredients. This celebration is a great demonstration of Myanmar cultural and communal behavior. It is customary in Myanmar to prioritize those to whom respect is due to show the gratefulness and gratitude to a figure they respect. Thus, they set aside the first portion of the Htamane choicest products of the farm or garden for alms giving to household shrines, monks and then to senior relatives. Only then, everyone else enjoys the savory delicacy and an evening with the community after a hard day’s work.

Why does Alfa Hotel celebrate?
At Alfa Hotel we believe that it is important for our guests to experience and have a little taste of the various cultures in Myanmar. We believe guests are looking to experience the vibrant traditional Myanmar culture which can be sometimes hard to find and difficult fit into our schedules. Whether you are a busy business traveler or a culturally hungry globetrotter, our Myanmar Culture Series aims to provide a convenience and an experience for insights to Myanmar culture. On the 11th of February this year, we present to you, a the Harvest Festival of Htamane at the Sapphire Lounge and Bar on the Alfa Hotel rooftop. We warmly invite you to join us in an extraordinary traditional Myanmar experience!

DATE: 11, FEB, 2017 (Sat)
TIME: 14:00~
PLACE: Alfa Hotel Yangon (Rooftop)

[Alfa Hotel]
No.41 Nawaday Road, Yawmingyi Quarter, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
01 377960 – 7 (8 Lines)
